July in the Community
On Monday, July 3, I will send an invitation to everyone in the Community to join a new course, "Layers of The Aura." It is a free course similar to the Meditation Essentials but focuses on how to Read Energy.
In it, I will offer content that significantly expands upon the Live Events offered this year on Reading the Layers. Each month will cover one Layer in-depth. And the Community Readings that month will highlight that specific Layer.
Part of the focus is getting you to Read Energy by yourself, with no one else present. This course is an intermediate step towards the goal of you being comfortable reading with others. It is a way for you to practice alone without any attention on you.
This first month of July will be on the First Layer of the Aura. It is a significant step to be offering the Community. And as a member of the Community, it's free!
The second thing in July is a new meditation Class, "Dream Catching." We'll use meditation techniques and information to develop an exciting dream life and restful sleep. Contact Natalia for more information. Everyone is welcome.
And finally, there is an advanced course on "Mediumship and Agreements." It began Saturday morning, July 1, but is still open for you to join. Mediumship Healings are offered throughout the week. Contact me for more details or if you would like to join.
Saturday, July 1 ~ Mediumship and Agreements
Monday, July 3 ~ Invitation to Layers of the Aura Sent
Wednesday, July 5 ~ Live Reading: The First Layer
Sunday, July 9 ~ Live Reading: The First Layer
Monday, July 10 ~ Meditation Class: Dream Catching
Tuesday, July 11 ~ Live Reading: The First Layer
Thursday, July 13 ~ Live Reading: The First Layer
Much more in the works; stay tuned for updates and new offerings in the next few days. And, as always, thank you for being part of InVision.
~ Kenneth