October in the Community
You know how sometimes, when you're out, the people around you are laughing and having fun, but you can't wait to leave. You are agitated and would prefer the companionship of your own company.
It's easy to fall into invalidation and think something is wrong. You handle judgments and concerns from family and friends. They wonder what's wrong. Or even worse, they may try to fix you.

September in the Community
When you take a moment to slow down and focus on yourself, you begin to realize that parts of you are missing. You have been through so much life experience; not all of you has come along.
After facing repeated challenges, it's common to feel diminished and scattered. You have less energy to give because you are running at a deficit; You are missing vital pieces of you.

August in the Community
Sometimes when I have the opportunity to talk to people about what I do, they say, "Oh, I don't have the discipline to Meditate." And I respond with, "Well, neither do I." And we laugh because what I said doesn't make sense to them.
Personally, I do not view Meditation and Reading Energy as a form of discipline. Instead, I see it as an indulgence that allows me to break free from responsibilities and become more spontaneous. It feels like a refreshing splash of cool water on a hot summer day.

July in the Community
On Monday, July 3, I will send an invitation to everyone in the Community to join a new course, "Layers of The Aura." It is a free course similar to the Meditation Essentials but focuses on how to Read Energy.
In it, I will offer content that significantly expands upon the Live Events offered this year on Reading the Layers. Each month will cover one Layer in-depth. And the Community Readings that month will highlight that specific Layer.
Part of the focus is getting you to Read Energy by yourself, with no one else present. This course is an intermediate step towards the goal of you being comfortable reading with others. It is a way for you to practice alone without any attention on you.

June in the Community
When I talk about pictures, I'm not talking about photographs or the latest "selfie" you've taken.
It has nothing to do with a smartphone or a scrapbook. I'm talking about the mental images that flash in the mind when you open up your awareness.
Pictures, colors, and symbols form the basis of how a Reader reads Energy. It is what they see when they look at you. Your space is filled with pictures.

May in the Community
Your Energy is striking. It is attractive and compelling not only for you but for others as well. People may not know why, but when you operate with your Energy, they are drawn to you. You Stand Out.

April in the Community
You get flashes of the real you.
They happen in an instant. You are doing something trivial; waiting in line, doing chores, spacing out, and off to the side of your awareness, you get a thought or image of yourself, and you think, that is me.
It has nothing to do with what you're doing at the moment. You stop, look around, and ask yourself, "What the hell have I been doing?" It feels like waking up from a dream, if only for an instant.

March in the Community
Drinking tea is not unusual. But enjoying a cup at the base of the Pyramids is extraordinary. Sometimes, it is less what you are doing than how far you have come to do it.
Feeling the sun's warmth on your face after a brutal winter, having long overdue conversations with people you love, and finding your creative spark after a period of stagnation; are transformational experiences that require you to be moving through life.

February in the Community
Love can be confusing; it means so many different things. Love is romantic; it is also about family and friends. You can love the arts, music, creativity, and life itself.
February is the month of Valentine's Day and love. And since there are so many meanings of love, sometimes it is hard to relax and enjoy this time because you find love in different places than other people.

January in the Community (Apricity)
There is a rare and unused word in English; Apricity. It means the warmth of the Sun in winter. As in, "I long for the Apricity of the morning."
As we move into this New Year, a key point to remember is that you are always under your Gold Sun. Your Gold Sun symbolizes your unique energy and is always right above you. It never waivers.

December in the Community
It may be cold outside, but you don't need to be frozen within. Here are some treats to warm you up this December.
InVision's big offering this month is the "Akashic Holiday Season" course. The Akashic Records are a storehouse of all past life information. The course focuses on "Akashic Downloads" from your personal Akashic Records. Discounted pricing for members is $350.00.

October in the Community
The season has changed. The nights are getting longer, and there is a slight chill in the air. It is October, and InVision is highlighting Space, specifically your Personal Space.
Most of us are so compromised that we forget about our Space and how it feels. Your Personal Space extends about 2 feet around you.

September in the Community
I can’t believe that it has only been 3 weeks since we launched our new community. It feels like months. Like the rest of this year, time seems a little skewed and is moving swiftly. Welcome to Fall!
This September, our theme is dichotomies. Dichotomies are polar opposites: light/dark, hot/cold, fear/desire, etc. They are the Ying/Yang aspects of life, and they are very important to psychics.
You could say that everyone is experiencing life through dichotomies. The trick is recognizing the dichotomy you are in at the moment. When you do, you understand that you may be on one end of the dichotomy. And that it can, and will, change.

Womb in Neutral 2 ~Female Line
Your womb contains memories, patterns, and feelings of the woman before you. Imprinted in you are also are their fears, hopes, and dilemmas. If you genuinely want to know yourself, you need to understand and make peace with all of those fragments of meaning and poetry inside and learn how to work with them.

Creativity Matters
For me, creativity is being extraordinary; creativity is the ability to innovate and bring into existence something it did not exist before. I was trying to convey that creativity and innovation would be the answer for the year of covid.
Creativity matters, and being creative is more than being artistic, to paint, make music, or design. I see creativity as much more than that. The creative spark is at the center of being alive, and every organism alive displays great creativity to survive and thrive.
Someone with great creativity thinks of new ways to solve a problem and displays an excellent ability to adjust to new situations. Creatives have an affinity for their own energy, often chasing it as an unseen possibility inside of them.

Psychic Self Defense
There doesn't need to be the bad guy in your life for you to need better protection. These are unprecedented times. If you are sensitive, it can be overwhelming just waking up each day.
I look at it this way, how often do you update your computer's defenses against viruses and hacks? When is the last time that you updated how you are defending yourself?
Join me for Psychic Self Defense. A new Meditation Class on mastering how to protect yourself in a changing world.